Shopkeeper exchanges money with a customer in Cambodia.
Inside Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia a Buddha carved from stone stands under a parasol over a table of incense.
Angkor Wat, Cambodia a stone Buddha sits wrapped in a gold sash.
A Cambodian mother holds her daughter.
A stone head in the Banyon temple at Angkor Thom in Cambodia.
Ta Prohm Wat in Cambodia has pillars that have fallen over and are covered in lichen.
A carved in stone bas-relief sculpture of a female devata at Ta Prohm Temple, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
The roots of a banyan tree envelope a building at Ta Prohm Temple, in Cambodia.
A Cambodian family relaxes at the Angkor Wat complex in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Bas relief detail of Buddha ruins at Ta Prohm Wat in Cambodia.
A reclining stone Buddha is covered in Ta Prohm, Cambodia is adorned with fabric and marigolds.
Inside Ta Prohm a stone Buddha sits with a golden cloth around him, under a golden umbrella and in front of incense.
The outside of Angkor Thom in Cambodia.
Water buffalo and a family farm outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia
A young girl waves to us from her floating home as we pass by on Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia.
The toddler son of a Cambodian boat captain watches the water as we are in the boat on Tonle Sap Lake.
A woman shops at her local open market under a canopy in Cambodia.
Two women ride their bicycles down a road in Cambodia, with empty rice bags that they will use to make purses.
A road in Cambodia has cows tied up outside and people ride past.
Outside of the Banteay Srei temple in Angkor, Cambodia.
Detail of a stone carving of a woman and a god at Banteay Srei temple in Cambodia.
Stone carvings of monkey guardians at the Banteay Srei Temple, outside of Angor Wat Cambodia.
A woman sits inside the ticket booth at the Cambodia Landmine Museum.
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